Laser Tattoo Removal
How does Enlighten® tattoo removal work?
New, advanced laser tattoo removal technology has made it possible for providers to safely remove and fade unwanted tattoos more efficiently and effectively than traditional tattoo removal methods. Cutera’s Enlighten® has emerged as the premier solution for laser tattoo removal with the power to break up the pigment and color in tattoos, clear all ink colors, variable ink particle sizes and densities in fewer treatments. This is a safe and effective procedure when performed properly and has little to no side effects. We use three fully-integrated laser wavelengths – 532 nm, 1064 nm and 670 nm to target pigments.
Treats multicolor tattoos and benign pigmented lesions
A versatile portfolio of picosecond technology featuring multiple wavelengths, including the first true-red picosecond wavelength, and industry-leading specifications to address multicolor tattoos, the treatment of benign pigmented lesions, and PICO Genesis and PICO Genesis FX skin revitalization on all skin types.
Picosecond technology allows the laser to go in and out of the skin at a much faster rate than a Q-switch laser, which is also commonly used in the tattoo removal industry. A picosecond is a trillionth of a second! The faster rate causes the ink to break down into much smaller particles, allowing the body to digest these particles at a faster rate.
The 5 main benefits of using Enlighten III Pico Laser:
- No scarring – This means that the potential for scarring is low, which contrasts removal methods that rely upon “sanding” the skin.
- Effective fading and removal of tattoos – The Enlighten can effectively diminish the appearance of tattoos without the lasting effects that can make other methods of removal undesirable.
- Minimal recovery – After receiving treatments for laser tattoo removal, you need to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation for a few days. A small amount of redness and tenderness may persist, but these effects should subside within a few days of treatment.
- Removing specific or entire tattoos – This laser tattoo removal can remove specific tattoos or cleanse entire regions of your body from tattoos.
- Safety – Laser tattoo removal using Enlighten III is one of the safest ways to remove tattoos.
What makes the Enlighten III Pico Laser different from others?
The best laser for tattoo removal is a picosecond laser. Picosecond lasers remove tattoos more quickly and completely than older-style Q-Switch lasers. While Picosecond lasers can remove nearly any color ink, there’s no single model that takes care of everything. Book a FREE consultation to learn if your tattoo can be removed.
Is this treatment safe?
Cutera Enlighten technology allows us to safely remove any color of a tattoo, located anywhere on the body. Cutera Enlighten leaves the skin with little discomfort during the removal process and post-tattoo removal treatment. Burlington Medical aesthetics can then offer our patients great results along with an overall experience.
Contact us here at Burlington Medical Aesthetics to learn if this treatment is right for you during a FREE consultation.